Priyal Trivedi is a Client Acquisition Specialist at Navigate Commerce, which provides ecommerce solutions for businesses.
In her role as a Client Acquisition Specialist, Priyal is responsible for identifying and securing new clients for the company and managing relationships with existing clients. She has a proven track record of success in this field and is known for her ability to identify and capitalize on new business opportunities.
With her strong communication and negotiation skills, Priyal effectively markets Navigate Commerce’s services to potential clients and helps them understand how the company can support their business goals. Read this interview to learn more about her.
Abdur Rahman: Hi, Priyal Trivedi. It’s lovely to have you with us! Could you please tell our readers a little bit about yourself? Walk us through your journey so far.
Priyal: Hello, Abdur, It’s nice to connect with you. I have been in customer service throughout my career and have worked with multiple industries. So my key focus is to serve every customer the best of their needs.
In a professional network, where we are in cut-throat competition, as in Asian markets where affordable resources are easy to find, there’s a lack of empathy in serving customers. So yes, I am here if anyone wants me to be a customer’s side. I would love to communicate and help merchants with their commerce needs. 😊
Abdur Rahman: You are working with Shopify along with Magento. So what are the Magento key features because of which, do you prefer Magento, and in what scenarios is Magento the most preferred ecommerce platform?
Priyal: I’m not in the rat race of agencies who put platforms in comparison, TBH. So, If you want me to answer why we love to work on Magento because of their flexibility. It is been years, there’s a strong foundation of community across the globe, and still, the community in other forms is intact.
Choosing the right platform depends on what kind of requirements merchants have and what their long-run vision focusing on ecommerce. If the platform fulfills the need, build the store on it.
More on Magento, being open-source, it helps you with all the basic ecommerce solutions that any merchant can have to kickstart. It helps with everything that an ecommerce store needs to have.
Abdur Rahman: You guys have been helping Magento store owners with ecommerce store development. What’s your thought process before getting into any Magento project?
Priyal: Well, it is a serious game! Trust me. When I talk with clients or agencies, the first and foremost thing to have is the scope! The market is full of resources with affordable rates, but it hardly helps you with the “Care-for-code”!
Yes, I have seen agencies and stores with a mess, and no git is being managed, so it is hard to help them scale in the future. We want our customers and agencies to look for the future and don’t want them to circle back from where they have started!
So, going with any Magento projects, we ask merchants to define the scope clearly, share the design to manage that pixel-perfect layout, and the rest of them can trust us!
These are the most frequently asked questions from our end: What are the operational challenges that merchants face while running the store? And Is there any particular thing that hinders overcoming the challenge?
I always ask my team to go that extra mile for our customers and transfer the knowledge that the merchant needs to drive the store and thrive in the ROI.
Abdur Rahman: Since you also provide Magento extension customization and integration services. So when working with Magento, what key factors should a store owner consider when using third-party services?
Priyal: So here, my thought may differ!
As our aim is to be a product agency, we felt merchants need better solutions as well, and that is how we started helping merchants with Magento development.
While taking any third-party solution, make sure your requirement is fulfilled; they provide great support and be communicative and reliable. The purpose of any module or extension is either to expedite the development process or save time, but that too on a positive note.
Solution providers often put unnecessary features while having a version upgrade, which is not required. Ensure the modules are compatible with your Magento version; the agency should help you with extended functionality or support.
Abdur Rahman: What are your thoughts on Headless, PWA, and other related technologies? How will they benefit the Magento merchants to grow their ecommerce business?
Priyal: Headless Commerce is the future of digital commerce and helps enterprises with prompt updates on development, strong API support from providers, and skilled resources who have mastered the foundation of Magento.
Many things are going on with ecommerce and technology and PWA; Headless is a way to go! It helps merchants with better personalization and custom development, helps to create a storefront with the freedom of choosing the right technology framework, and, most importantly, helps with greater speed and omnichannel experience.
Abdur Rahman: What do you think about the Magento community? How important is it for the growth of the Magento platform?
Priyal: Well, there’s a lot of noise in the market that Adobe has taken the steps to remove Magento-Open source from their commerce solutions and focus on their own business strategies. It is their way of doing business and helping enterprises with all their commerce need in one solution.
Now talking about SMEs and some enterprises with open-source as their first choice, the community is there! I have seen and been part of discussions over a slack channel or discord or on a meet-up; the future of Magento is shiny! Especially with Mage-Os, Hyvä, and association, everyone is going positive!
Abdur Rahman: Any suggestions to the newbies who are willing to make their career in Magento also, share a few pieces of advice that every Magento developer should follow.
Priyal: I am not a developer yet know the pain point where customers seek support. Be responsive and accountable for your own code, follow the standards, be communicative, and “care-for-code” for your store.
For newbies, don’t join the hype and work hard, as there are millions of files in the core of Magento architecture that you need to understand! Man, a year or two is not enough to rule the world.
Magento is a great great opportunity if you are looking to explore your career opportunity! Be where the community is, and keep an eye on everything happening! It helps a lot.
Abdur Rahman: Where do you see Magento in the future? Any predictions for 2023?
Priyal: Hmm, I would love to see how Mage-Os will have their first official release and how they bring the community again! More on Adobe Commerce and Commerce Cloud, support from their internal team, and more stable solutions on PWA. 😊
Abdur Rahman: Hosting is really an important factor for the success of an ecommerce store. Would you prefer shared hosting for Magento stores or a managed cloud hosting environment like Cloudways for speed optimization?
Priyal: Of course, hosting is an important part of any ecommerce store and is essential when it comes to peak time or peak season-like festivities. For such a heavy resource full Magento stores, where there’s elastic-search kind of facilities involved, managed cloud hosting is preferable.
Abdur Rahman: Since a lot is happening with Magento open source. So what’s Navigate Commerce’s future plan with Magento?
Priyal: Magento is nothing less than our first love! We are always keen to explore what comes next with Magento, even in open-source, commerce, and Commerce Cloud! We will serve Magento to the merchants and work on other extensions to release this 2023.
Abdur Rahman: Can you please share a picture of your workplace? And any tips on making a productive workstation since many of us still work from home?
Priyal: Being a mom of 2YO and coming from a joint family of 15+ members, It is hard for me to be productive at home. As you know, kids want the full attention of moms when home. 😊
So I am working full time from my office only. We are a team of multidisciplinary resources that make work fun.
Abdur Rahman: Who are the top influencers that inspire you, and any specific ones from the Magento community?
Priyal: There’s hips of people in the community whom I follow silently! I have also been in touch with them via virtual channels of communication. They all are part of the ecommerce ecosystem, actively or non-actively.
Abdur Rahman: What does your work-life balance look like? Are there any activities you enjoy in your spare hours? You may share any pictures of yourself that you like here!
Priyal: As said, being a mom and coming from such a family, I hardly get time to manage. But I love cooking! On weekends, I and my little puddle go out for a nature walk or just dance like no one is watching.
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Abdur Rahman
Abdur Rahman is the Magento whizz at Cloudways. He is growth ambitious, and aims to learn & share information about Ecommerce & Magento Development through practice and experimentation. He loves to travel and explore new ideas whenever he finds time. Get in touch with him at [email protected]